Every Wednesday / 4th August 2024 / goodsignals.com

Weekly Trivia: What's the most searched men's haircut on Google?

Happy Eat an Extra Dessert Day! I'm craving a banana split.

The August 2024 Google Core Update is finally complete after 19 days of waiting, and the results are shaking up SERPs across the web. An early survey by Barry Schwart shows that around 44% of sites are hit by the update, while 27% are seeing improvements and the rest (29%) are not impacted. To see the full results, it is still recommended to wait for another week to compare the traffic and pinpoint what exactly has changed.

Hopefully, your site is climbing higher in search results. But if you are seeing major drops, Google's advice is clear: ditch the quick fixes. In the revised core update documentation, Google has made clear that it wants real, user-first content. So, if you're chasing rankings with keyword stuffing, your site's probably feeling the heat. Instead, focus on long-term, meaningful improvements - here's an official list of self-assessment questions for you to evaluate your tactics and bounce back. That said, patience is key - your efforts might not pay off until future updates roll out.

Joyce, editor of The Signal

P.S. The answer to our trivia? It's the mod cut, thanks to the Oasis brothers' historic reunion. Their memes are also trending on the internet. Get a flavour here.

How To Run A Live Youtube Show To An International Audience And Gain traction

Ready to go global? Learn how to run a live YouTube show that grabs international attention and builds traction here. From choosing the right time zones to crafting engaging content, this guide is the bible for expanding your audience beyond borders. By Jo Juliana Turnbull on Search Engine Journal.

Google Trends Subscriptions Quietly Cancelled

Say goodbye to Google Trends subscriptions! In a surprise move, Google axed the popular feature, leaving marketers surprised. But there are many alternative ways to keep up with the trends, such as signing up Google Trends' daily newsletter on its home page. By Roger Montti on Search Engine Journal.

Vulnerabilities In Two Wordpress Contact Form Plugins Affect 1.1 million

Heads up, WordPress users! Security flaws in popular contact form plugins could leave your site vulnerable. If your forms aren't fortified, hackers might get in! Check out the details and make sure your site's defence system is up-to-date.

YouTube SEO Questions Answered

Ever wondered how YouTube ranks videos? YouTube's creator liaison Rene Ritchie answers top SEO questions about hashtags, video descriptions, cadence and many more. If you want to crack the code for more views, this is a must-read! By Barry Schwartz on Search Engine Roundtable.

Google Tests New Map Pin Shapes

Google Maps is testing a new pin design, changing the familiar diamond shape to a circle shape. People are loving it. By Barry Schwartz on Search Engine Roundtable.

The Sites Dominating Google’s Top Stories SERP Feature In 2024

Glenn Allsopp was wondering what makes young, independent sites stand out from their competitors, so he spent weeks researching and analysing their performance data. Here's what he found. Don't miss out - this could change your game. By Glenn Allsopp on Detailed.

Analysing Google AI Overview Rankings At Scale

How’s AI search shaping your rankings? Semrush has now stepped into the game by making Google's AIO more trackable. Brodie Clark tried the new feature and noted his learnings. If you're looking to stay competitive, this is essential reading. By Brodie Clark on BrodieClark.com.

Joyce Yang,

editor at The Signal

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